Thursday, November 24

The Ride into Town

Life as a Boone Fabulous Clone Twelve Roadie was actually fun.
Turkish knew what he wanted and he had all the details hammered out. Members of the crew were given their instructions.
“You’re not to contact me at all during the mission,” Turkish warned. “We can’t risk the chance of Corporate ears listening in. So, you’re on your own. I don’t want to hear a word out of the likes of yous until you return with my ship.”
Brick and Weasel Man were loading the ship with supplies. Quiet a few boxes were labeled “ammunition.”
“I don’t think I like this life of crime I seem to be leading,” Portia muttered.
Turkish, apparently, over heard. “Some are born criminals, others have criminality thrust upon them.”
Bea was sitting cross-legged on the floor, expertly assembling a rifle and humming thin tune. She seemed unfazed by the little sidetrack their journey was taking.
“You seem pretty good at that,” Franklin said.
“Had to be. Once I needed to do this in the dark. Use to practice all the time blindfolded.”
Portia turned her back on Franklin and Bea. A week was an awful long time to spend on a little boat. She faced Turkish.
“I’m still not sure what I need to do,” Portia said.
“Just convince the Station’s computer that we’re harmless and no one is stealing their baby,” Turkish said.
“I don’t think I can convince anything we’re harmless.”
Turkish laughed and squeezed Portia in an enthusiastic embrace, knocking the air out of her lungs.
The crew launched exactly six hours after the initial meeting.
The journey from Laredo to June Access Station was one week, which gave the crew time to review and fine tune the plan. Through Turkish’s mysterious means, they had a good idea of Martin Ang’s plan to steal the Drive Ship. Their plan was simple: sneak on board and then wait, letting Martin Ang do all the work. The plan also hinged on Portia’s ability to convince the computers that no one was hiding on board the most secured and well guarded ship in the known galaxy. Piece of cake.
The ship Turkish supplied the Boone Fabulous Cone Twelve tour with was also a StarMaster, but an older model, the 3045, and had no seat warmers. “Starship Fabulous” was painted on the side of the vessel. It looked just like a proper touring vessel.
The first night aboard, the crew had a good meal together in the mess hall. Big Julie, it turned out, liked to cook. Savory scents hung in the air and the aroma drifted throughout the ship.
“What are you doing in this business, anyway?” Brick asked, helping himself to another serving of mashed potatoes.
Portia’s plate was empty and she sat contented with a full belly. “I’m twenty-eight,” she said.
“Still kind of young. I mean, I know I owe Turkish. A lot. Weren’t for him, I’d still be indentured back on some little backwater planet, trying to farm my way out of debt. What could you owe Turkish?”
Bea interceded. “We’re on a rescue mission.”
“I needed to find the Hope colony. My sister was on that ship.”
Brick seemed to detect the pain in Bea’s voice and said nothing further. Portia knew the idea of a rescue mission was laughable. They couldn’t possible hope to find the colony. If they did, they did not have enough supplies to help. They didn’t have enough space to bring everyone back to civilization. If they found anyone, anything at all, the two remaining Clovelly women would be stuck with what they found.
She really hoped they found something with plumbing. Mostly, She really hoped they survived the next week.


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